Are you tired of dealing with screen printers who make you feel like you're trying to extract blood from a stone? Look no further, because we've got the inside scoop on how to make the process as painless as possible.

First things first, let's address the elephant in the room: the dreaded;


Sure, it sounds great in theory, and to some it might be like trying to decipher ancient hieroglyphics, but don't worry, it's not as complicated as it seems. Essentially, it means that if you can provide this, good things will happen to you because by submitting artwork in a format that's ready for print, it'll save the printer a lot of time and hassle. And as we all know, time is money, but you're also saving yourself some cash in the process... but sadly, in reality, it's as rare as finding a pink unicorn driving an ice-crean truck through a crowded political celebration to inaugerate our next president and rulling party being the PAC, while playing boere-musiek, .But fear not, my friends, because there is a way to make the process possible.

Here's the secret:

be organized. That's right, it's that simple. By providing your artwork in a format that is easy for the printer to work with, you save them time and money, which in turn can be passed on to you in the form of lower prices and faster turnaround times.

Now, we know what you're thinking, "But wait, there's more!" By providing high-quality artwork and being organized, you'll jump ahead of other jobs in the printer's queue. Think of it like a VIP pass to the front of the line. Your order will be done quickly and efficiently, and you'll be the envy of all your competitors and sunshine to you client or boss.

You see, no matter how professional or fancy the printer may seem, there will always be jobs in the queue that look like they were put together by a toddler with a crayon, with expectations that the final print will be nothing short of award winning! But that's where you come in. By providing your artwork in the correct format and being organized, you'll stand out like a diamond in a pile of coal.

That's right, your jobs become the golden child to the printer,

who will love you for making their lives easier. So go ahead, be the unicorn, on the road less traveled, and watch as your job gets printed faster than a speeding PAC bullet.

But don't worry, my dear friends, because there's a solution to every problem. And in this case, the solution is hiring a professional designer who can take care of all the nitty-gritty details for you.

Very often, people make the mistake of assuming that the guy who the printer pays and hands your submitted artwork to behind the computer, working with graphic design apps, is the guy who will be designing your graphics as well as brainstoraging with you the killer design you had in mind but not in print-ready-pdf, when in fact, that person is a specialist that is there to create a layout for the customer to sign off and approve from the print-ready-pdf, and separate the colors of any design into 6 or less colors that will be exposed from a clear film that that person created onto screens that in turn will print your design onto the garment. That is a highly specialized skill that takes years to master, but the point is that although they seem similar, that is not a graphic designer, or design department. That is a part of the production team. Yes, we all know how convenient it may seem and how it could save you from hiring a proper graphic designer and paying design rates, when this guy may be able to pull it off and could even do it for free, because the printer is paying him, not you.

So let's be real, who wants to deal with the chaos and disorganization that often come with screen printing? That's for sure. By hiring a professional designer, you save yourself the headache and the printer the added work of being the middleman between the customer and the production designer and trying to make sense of taking your print-ready photo from your phone of the shirt you saw on holiday that someone was wearing across the street from you from a moving car.

And let's not forget, your print can only ever be as good as the artwork provided.

So, don't let the chaos of screen printing get you down. Hire a professional designer and watch as your job gets printed faster, at a better price, and with fewer (if any) headaches. It's a win-win for everyone, even the graphic designer.

So, to sum it all up, when it comes to screen printing, organization is key. By providing your artwork in a format that is easy for the printer to work with, everyone wins.

And let's not forget the importance of communication. By providing the printer with your artwork in the design stage, you allow them to advise on any potential issues and ensure that your print is of the highest quality possible. To all the customers, please, for the love of all things holy, be organized and provide quality artwork from the start. Your printer and their production designer will thank you, and your wallet will thank you too.

To illustrate these points, I have compiled 5 genuine artwork submissions that have been hand-selected as the worst in 2022, with my witty comments explaining why I selected them as the worst, so sit back and enjoy! After all, you would never submit stuff like this, would you?

In conclusion, working with screen printers can be a challenge, but with a little bit of organization and knowledge, it's possible to navigate the process and get whatever you like, whenever you like, just gow you like it, and pay less than your competition. The key steps to take are to provide print-ready artwork in a PDF format with Pantone color references and at least 300 dPI for images at the correct required print size. This will save time and money for both the printer and the customer. Additionally, work with a designer who understands the screen printing process and can advise on what to avoid in terms of design. Finally, be sure to communicate clearly and effectively with the printer, and always be prepared to provide any additional information or materials that may be needed. Remember, the key is to stay organized and informed to make the process as smooth as possible, and to always have a sense of humor, as the screen printing industry can be a chaotic and mad one.

By following these steps and doing things right, you can also succeed as a print broker, promo-house or middleman, where others are failing. By being able to navigate the industry and provide high-quality service, you will automatically put yourself in a league of your own and thrive in the market.

#3 "The Government Spy":

When you're so secretive, you can't even provide a proper design and instead snap a quick photo with a spy camera. The design is so blurry and low-resolution, it's a mystery how the production designer  is supposed to reproduce it unless running it through thier anti-spy software to try and decipher the design, and the end result will probably have you arrested for terrorism or [lotting to rig the elections. You never know with the new PAC government.


When you're too lazy to send the actual design file and instead just send a screenshot of it on someone's computer. The designer will have to spend extra time trying to recreate the design from a low-resolution image. It's like trying to draw a portrait of Mona Lisa from a tiny, pixelated image.


When privacy is important, but not important enough to take a decent photo of the design. Instead of taking a close-up of the design, the person decided to use an emoji to cover up the employee's face. Now the designer is left with a distorted image of the design and an emoji where the face should be. The designer will have to spend extra time trying to recreate the design from a distorted image, while also trying to figure out why the employee's face was covered up with an emoji. The production will have to squint a microscope just to get a good look at the design.

#1 "The Human Rights Violator":

The clear winner as this one embraces everything not to submit as "print ready artwork", including slogans that guarantee that this job is never going to get past the art department, and sent directly to the human rights commission. The resolution is so low, it's like trying to read a menu written in microscopic BT Condenced Normal. The priduction designer also has 4 logos to seatch on the net, just to find that was where hs guy found them too in low resolution, so must now redraw all of them, node by node. The designer will have to spend extra time trying to recreate the design from a low-resolution image, but, wait a sec, is that... The slogan is luckilly so offensive, that now all that's needed is to forwatd this artwork, as is not to the customer for approoval, bt the Human Rights Commission for a secong opinion before trying to make a cake that's already burnt, not burnt.So best to take the rest of the day off as well to reflectand give thanks for the unicorns drivng busses through polical celebrations, playing boera-musik.


#5 "The new guy

When you've just got Cirel Draw for Cjristmas and want to show off your new skills by creating a design so intricate and colorful, it looks like a crime scene. The design also extends over seams and buttons, making it a nightmare for any printer to work with. Not to mention, the design is only 72dpi, which is like trying to read a menu written in microscopic font.

If you do not have a designer to do the designs and prepare the artwork accordingly for screen printing, then what?

It's the easiest question of the lot to answer, because that's exactly what I'd like to do for you. I can safely say today, after spending a good 20 years those trenches as the designer, that I have opted for something slightly more relaxing today, and designing for people like you is exactly that.

Go ahead, and break away from the chaos today.

Let me help you by assisting you by designing your design, making an existing design print-ready, or offering consulting and training on the processes to designers wanting to learn more about the screen printing process.

 Send me a What's App, and let's talk.